3 Ways To Significantly Lower Your SRP Electric Bill This Winter.

There are various ways by which you can significantly lower your SRP electric bill this coming winter. Virtually everyone understands that energy bills rise as temperatures drop. Experts say that your home’s heating expense could account for as much as 70% of your electric bill. You do not need to live at your thermostat’s mercy: this article offers ways by which you can significantly reduce your energy bills this winter.

  1. Turn the thermostat down

The easiest means of reducing your energy bills is to simply turn your thermostat down. For each degree that you raise it, you could spend between 2% and 3% more, says the SRP. If you can lower the thermostat by just a couple of degrees, you could save a truly significant amount of money. You could save even much more by having the temperature lowered while you are away from home –between 5% and 10% says the US energy department.

  1. Modify your charging plan

Depending on the company that you use, you might be capable of taking advantage of charging plans that enable you to switch a lot of your electricity usage to non-peak hours. One of such programs is the EZ-3 plan which, enables SRP clients to save money by utilizing less energy during 3 higher-cost-on-peak hours; either 4PM to 7PM or 3PM to 6PM. The remaining hours, the six holidays and weekends included, and off-peak and are priced much lower thus, you can lower your electric bill by using the most electricity during these hours.

One other option is the equalizer charging plan. Even though this plan does not necessarily save you significant sums of money, assuming that you have a pattern of energy consumption that is quite established, the company averages out your payment so that you will be paying the exact same amount each month, irrespective of your level of consumption.

  1. Replace air filters

This is among the things that we all understand that we should do but are probably not as consistent as we need to be. Not only do dirty filters shorten your AC’s life, but they could also impede airflow. Consequently, your AC will need to work harder and utilize much more electricity. Furthermore, you might want to invest in annual maintenance inspections of your AC unit. An inspection helps to ensure that the unit is functioning properly. If it is not, it might need much more energy to have your house heated and make your electric bills soar.

In conclusion, these are only four of the many ways by which you can lower SRP electric bill. Contact online resources for lots of others that work.

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