5 Dental Health Tips For The Elderly Ones

Taking good care of your gums, teeth, and mouth, in general, is very important particularly for older people. As you know, older people are more susceptible to dental health issues than younger people. This is why older people need to develop a healthy dental habit with the help of dental care for elderly in nursing homes CA to avoid oral issues.

Here, we’ve gathered some dental health tips for older people.

Calcium supplements

Calcium is not only good for building strong bones in the body. It is also very good for oral health. Older people tend to require higher calcium since their teeth may not be as strong as they used to in the past. Increasing your calcium intake as an older person will help boost your oral health.

Avoid all tobacco products

Regular intake of tobacco products can cause some serious damage to your teeth. Tobacco causes stained teeth. That is why you find some older people with discolored teeth. Also, tobacco is one of the major causes of tooth decay. As an older person, you should try to reduce or totally avoid all tobacco products for better oral health.

Brush twice daily

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening before bed. We understand that older people may have a lot on their minds and may not even remember to do this. Brushing twice daily as recommended is a good dental habit for older people.

Hydrate regularly

Most older people usually take some medications for one reason or the other. However, most of these medications can cause dry mouth which could lead to enamel erosion. So, try drinking a lot of water often.

Visit your dentist

Most mobile dentists usually provide dental care for elderly in nursing homes. So, if you have an elderly person in a nursing home, you can simply find a professional dentist who provides dental care for elderly in nursing homes CA to help with this.

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