5 Factors That Impact Your Building’s APS Bills

When it comes to the APS electric bill, the majority of individuals think their energy bill is determined by the quantity of electricity that they use. Thus, they try to avoid using lots of electricity during the day to decrease their energy bills yet nothing changes. It is quite crucial to know that your monthly bill isn’t determined by only the quantity of electricity that you use. This article lists some of the foremost factors that impact your energy bills.

Temperature changes

Some regions feature extreme summer temperatures that greatly impact your energy bills. Your bills could rise by as much as 50% from April to June. Even when you do not alter the settings you have on your thermostat, air conditioning units will still run for longer as temperatures become hotter, and this, in turn, raises the level of energy consumption.

Rates are seasonal

Whenever summer comes around, energy requirements for running ACs and other varying electrical appliances rise. This means that delivery costs will also rise. The months of summer feature truly high kilowatt/hour charges. If you notice any change in your building’s energy bills during the summer season, it doesn’t mean that you utilized more energy, it rather means that a new charge has been brought into effect. Thus, you should seek times of the day during which you happen to be charged more to try to reduce your energy bill by not utilizing heavy electrical appliances during such peak hours. You can verify this via logging into your APS account and conducting a comparison of your energy usage this month to a similar period last year.

Alterations to your home

Your energy bills could also be impacted by alterations to your home. Some among the key alterations that could impact your bills include light tubes and skylights, new drapes and room additions or remodelling, broken sunscreens and new windows.

More individuals in the home

When more individuals are in your home, you will utilize a bit more energy than usual. The new individuals could comprise house guests, a new baby, as well as students from college, on school break, and people who have recently retired.

Estimated meter reads

Normally, the reading on your building’s meter is continuous and any estimated readings of the meter will be automatically adjusted the following month.

How to decrease your bills

Now that you have understood the varying factors that impact your building’s energy bills, you can consider how to decrease the bills. To decrease your bills, begin by observing the highest electricity consumers you have in the home. Once you understand them, you should discover the time of day during which your per-unit electric charge is at its highest and when it’s at its lowest. Once you understand this, try to see that you use the highest electricity consumers during the time of day when your per-unit charge is at its lowest.

In conclusion, these are the foremost factors that greatly impact your building or business facility’s APS electric bill. If you can use the tips that have been offered in this article, then you will be able to decrease your bill as much as possible.

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