6 tips to ensure your social media efforts create a buzz for your brand

Creating a buzz for your brand is one of the most important and hardest tasks for a business. It takes up a lot of time and effort, but it is necessary because if no one knows about your brand, your sales won’t go up.

In recent times, with digital tools, creating a buzz for your brand has become a bit easier. Especially, with social media, it is easier and cheaper to promote your brand. But the problem with social media is that even though most brands now have a presence of social media, it is not working for them.

The reason for this is their lack of effort, they are working with tons of social media platforms, and without any marketing strategy. It is something that can hurt your brand. To get more audience and create a buzz, you need more than one tweet about your product. You need a strategy, a dedicated team, and knowledge about what your customers want.

By 2021, there will be 3.02 billion users on social media. Think of the exposure you can get with the right social media marketing strategy. Also, to achieve success in this, you don’t need to have a huge budget, but you do need to work hard and follow the trend.

Let’s look at some marketing tips that will help you get more followers and strengthen your social media presence.

1.   Upload more aesthetically pleasing visual content

Studies show that customers understand and remember visual content more than any other form of content. So, increase your frequency of uploading a visual post. It can be in the form of images, or infographics and so on. You can use Canva to create the amazing social media graphics.

Instagram is visual content, but it might not work for your brand. Facebook might, and thus, you need to make sure you post more content that is visual in nature. They appeal more to the user and engage them better.

2.   Have SMART goals

SMART goals refer to specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. When you are on social media because everyone is on it, your brand will yield no results. But setting SMART goals can help you.

Specific: You are working with a specific social media platforms to create buzz for your brand.

Measurable: You have a tool that can help you measure the success and response of your platform.

Achievable: You have set a target that you can achieve, which is not something far-fetched, like gaining 10% followers in 15 days.

Relevant: It impacts and helps your brand

Time-bound: You have set a limited time frame to achieve said goal.

3.   Use different tone with different social media platforms

Every social media platform is different. Facebook is fun and spontaneous, while LinkedIn is professional. If you are promoting your brand on more than one platform, you need to keep in mind to use different tones on different platforms. You cannot post a funny post on LinkedIn, but you can on Facebook, or you can tweet a fun tweet on Twitter.

Tone can help build your brand, as it shows your human side, which connects better with customers.

4.   Know your audience

Before you jump into action and start making accounts on every platform, you need to understand that not everyone is your customer.

You know who your target customers are, now you have to make them your audience. For the same, you need to know their persona, which platform they prefer, what type of content they like to see, and so on.

When you figure out all this, it can help you curate your content and get more response from your social media marketing strategies.

5.       Use your social media platforms to create relationships

The social media platform is not just about gaining more followers. What good will be millions of followers, if they don’t engage with your content and are valuable? Instead of running after followers, seek a valuable relationship.It provides you with an amazing opportunity to do so. So, use that by:

  • Reply to comments and starting a conversation
  • @mention people or places handles that are in your post or adds something valuable to it
  • Answer questions that people ask through DMs or comments.

6.       Be smart with automation

Automation is the need of the hour, but it is best to keep it away from customer care. When you use automation for customer service, it can back-fire in your face. But you can use automation for scheduling your content.

There are tons of tools that can help you schedule your content for social media. This way you can work on aspects of social media without worrying about being inconsistent with your posts.

Social media is here to stay, it’s time you start taking it seriously.

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