7key Features To Seek When Choosing Your Energy Management Software

When choosing energy management software for the effective load orchestration of your home’s electricity system, the most crucial component is ensuring that it offers valuable insights, not only more energy data you will need to sort through. This article lists features you should seek when choosing your software.

  1. Customizable reporting capabilities

Energy management software needs to feature the ability to give you customizable reports which should be automatically delivered to you on a schedule whenever they are needed by your team. The reports need to be branded with your brand’s logo and they should be customized to such a point that there aren’t any extra alterations that will need to be made.

  1. Sustainability reporting to meet your brand’s needs and requirements

Your chosen software should be one that covers all of your needs and requirements for sustainability reporting, with direct integrations to GRESB, ENERGY STAR, ARC, and many more like them.

  1. Variance reports offering analysis of actual data vs accruals and budgets

When you need an explanation about why the budget was not ‘right on the money’, your chosen software should offer a report that fully analyzes the variances and recognizes precisely what brought them about.

  1. Ability to recognize opportunities for operational efficiencies

Benchmarking of capabilities needs to be robust enough to enable you to craft custom comparisons of varying groupings of buildings by region or characteristics. These comparisons should offer you the cost totals, demand, consumption, as well as KPIs (kWh/ft2, watts/ft2, and so on), thus allowing you to prioritize opportunities such as the use of load controllers, with the largest impact and the fastest payback.

  1. M&V (measure and verify) ROI efforts for energy conservation

All projects and measures for the conservation of energy must be tracked by your chosen software so you can visualize your ROI to investors. The M&V analysis of the project should offer ASHRAE guideline 14-2014 metrics and also align with IPMVP, and all varying projects have to be normalized for the most appropriate independent variables (length of the billing period, weather, occupancy, and so on).

  1. Generate utility budgets via the use of actual tariff and historical data calculators

Whenever it is possible to become ‘right on the money’ with your budgets, your chosen energy management software must be capable of offering you with explainable, data-driven, utility budgets. The budgets have to be accurate according to the forecasting algorithm, delivery tariff rates, proprietary consumption, supply market projections, as well as public service commission rate cases.

7.Visual analytics and changes for real-time data monitoring via hardware-agnostic interrogations

Your real-time energy data has to be completely leveraged by featuring the ability to analyze it together with your actual utility bills. Your chosen software should offer a real-time monitoring dashboard that allows you to recognize all kinds of energy inefficiency using varying visualizations.

In conclusion, as technologies continue to progressively advance, the goals of companies and brands continue to progressively evolve as well, and reporting and energy load orchestration keep becoming involuntary. You must remain up to date on all of the varying possibilities offered by your chosen energy management software. The software’s most crucial component is ensuring that you get actionable insights.

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