The modern cult of fashion in beauty today

 Today’s modern women are all nutty and crazy to use beauty products to increase their physical charms and appearances, and are trying to increase their beauty; they paint their faces heavily and use a large number of cosmetics to make their skin healthy and fresh. they fake their natural beauty, they are trying to morph their natural features into fake one, they are masking themselves into something artificial..

Beauty industry

As modernism is increased the sense of beautification is increased too, women spent pile of money on beauty products, after the world War two every other business almost come to an end, but only beauty industry was one growing furthermore, American women at that spent twelve million pounds per month on beauty products and it was twice times more than the revenue which was collected by British men from Indians. This estimation shows the craziness of women towards the beauty products and how much beauty industry sucks, beauty industry double-cross the ladies of unsound mind by offering them  best discount codes and Designer Clothing vouchers,  which they can  use to minimize their expenditure. 

Glass Dolls 

Today’s women enjoy equal privilege that of men,, they are much liberal now, Today people are far richer than they used to be. The rich people always take care of their personal appearance, hygiene, dressing according to their social statuses, Today’s modern lady want to become beautiful in every aspect, these already mentally ill ladies .They are trying madly, to look beautiful apparently and they have neglected the spiritual beauty.

Demon has possessed them 

These ladies are following the cult of beauty they act completely like ingrown kids, with no sense, they all are paying their attention on their outer looks, and have neglected the inner soul, they are still immature, fatuous and empty-headed they have taken as beautiful like fairy standards,, they sometimes forget to look human at all, all they are doing is attracting others, they had forgotten their true self.

Fairy-like beauty

The role of advertisement has a big share in their corruption as sense of deprivation, psychological Complexities and inferiority, has been arisen.  At the end they become only an “object” of pleasant looks. To complete the sense of deprivation and inferiority they are always ready to spend everything of theirs, are ready to look all beautiful, attractive and glamorous at any costs, they act like robots running after the crafted beauty, in this modern society their so called beautification is element to judge individuals in society, it determines ones statuses and standards in society.

Dimensions of beauty

By the help of it is possible to sustain fuller cheeks, red lips, glowing skin, smart figure, shining hair and sparkling eyes for the longer time, it is possible to a mother to show the portrait of herself, and took after her daughter, by the means of makeup and cosmetics its easier for them to fake everything as thinned lips, fat nose, and droopy eyes, Try fashion discount codes to get discount on beauty products.

What is beautiful?

Have they become beautiful? Are ladies more beautiful today than in the past? And if everyone around us is beautiful, has the world become beautiful? The only beautiful thing in this realm, which is kosher, that we still call fair is the weather. For the rest, it is now all but a term of denigration.

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