5 ways how you can help yourself from getting over anxiety

Stress and anxiety are probably a bigger disease than most killing health problems. Why? It is because they are slow killers who have a long-lasting effect on a person’s health. When you are anxious and stressed, you are prone to becoming depressed and having other serious health problems.

In today’s world, more than 70% of people are suffering from stress and anxiety. The reasons are manifold which people in the previous decade faced too. But what increases these feelings are social media platforms and mobile devices. Instead of facing the problems which are making us stressed or anxious, we believe in posting about them. The phone which was made to bring us closer is making us more distant from the people we love.

The more we use social networking sites to connect with people, the more we feel lonely. Loneliness and not having someone to share our problems make us stressed and anxious about even the smallest things.

In this blog, we will look at some effective ways to curb our anxiety and stress.

1.   Sweat regularly in the gym or do yoga

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to go to the gym or practice yoga. When you exercise or do asanas, you not only feel better but by putting physical stress on your body, you focus on your body and not on your problems. It gives you time to feel relaxed, and that gives you a clear idea of how to best solve your problems.

Also, exercising is best if you want to remain healthy and fit and make your overall mental health. When you exercise, you release happy hormones that help with your stress level.

2.   Meditate

When you meditate, you focus on your breathing which lowers your stress levels. You don’t have to go heavy meditation, but giving 15 minutes every day to breathe in and out in a calm environment and focusing your breath will help you feel better.

3.   Eat right

Eating the right nutrients and supplements too sometimes helps you feel relaxed. When we are stressed or anxious, we like to eat comfort food, like chocolate and that is fine if you are doing that in the limit. But if you binge eat, it can lead to problems like weight gain.

Instead, you can try green tea or food rich in omega 3 fatty acids as they help relieve your stress.

4.   Write it or talk it out

Sometimes the best therapy is talking about the things that are making you stressed and anxious. If you have a confident like your sister or a parent or a friend who can help you out, great. Otherwise, going to a therapist is a great option.

Also, you can start writing a journal every day. It will help you realize all the good things that happened in the day and be grateful for it. Otherwise, we usually focus on the bad only.

5.   Do activities that relaxes you and makes you happy

Stressing out about things can lead to a dark place. It is best to stop it early, and you can do this by doing activities that you love. You can read a book or listen to music or go out for a walk in nature. Spend some time alone to realize what is troubling you and figure out solutions for the same.

Bonus tip: Hang motivational posters around your room and your working place. Also, you can have motivational quotes on your phone and laptop so that you are always encouraged to work harder and not get anxious about small things. You can also try Canva to make poster by your own.

Have a day full of smiles and happiness.

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