5 Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Skin

Our skin is the largest organ in our body, an average person’s skin span is measured at around  22 square feet, plus it is the most exposed part in the whole body, it is in direct contact with everything you touch but most of us don’t really put that much thought of how this organ functions or acts to certain things, we usually don’t even think twice about our skin, so let’s take some to actually learn some facts about this organ of ours.

Here are 5 interesting facts about our skin:

1. You begin to show signs of aging at 20

Most of us have generally assume old age as ’40s or even ’50s but in the case of our skin, it is a whole another story. Once you reach the age of 25 your collagen levels can start to gradually weaken which might result in the form of sagging skin and the visibility of fine lines. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C can help you maintain these levels and make your skin look young and healthy

2. Sleeping can cause wrinkles

Sleep is an essential part of our daily life and we wouldn’t be able to function properly without it so please don’t stop sleeping in trying to avoid getting wrinkles you could cause a lot more damage to your skin if you didn’t get proper sleep. Sleep helps your body restore dead cells and heal tissues. Nonetheless, if you nap on your side or on your belly you might be applying stress to your face which can cause wrinkles to appear on your face.

3. We discard thousands of skin cells every minute

Our body sheds a mind-boggling 30,000 to 40,000 cells each minute, this is just an example of what a human body can achieve in mere seconds, the more surprising fact is that our body is not only discarding these cells but it is also generating more new cells to take place of the cells that are being shed, that is just astonishing and makes you wonder how much our bodies work in just one minute.

4. Our skin has different levels of thickness

Your eyelids have the most delicate part of skin while the palms and soles of your feet are the thickest. This is due to the fact that the skin on our eyelids doesn’t have to move around all that much so there is not much need for it to be thick, but the skin present on our palms and feet are in continuous motion most times of the day.

5. You can change skin types throughout your lifespan

Climate change and hormonal imbalances can cause your skin to change its type throughout your lifespan, you might have noticed that a newborn baby’s skin is very soft and smooth but as a person grows their skin goes through different changes as well.

So these were some interesting facts about our skin, the body part that most of us never really think twice about, we should take some time out of our busy lives to take care of our skin as well after all it is the largest organ of our body, as time passes skin care products in Pakistan are getting easier to get and much affordable as well.

I highly recommend you check out Organic products in Pakistan the company that is providing these products in Pakistan at a very affordable price is Wowo Pakistan, organic beauty products are much better for your skin as well.

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