How to Improve Your Asthmatic Baby’s Room

When it comes to asthmatic children, you need to be a lot more careful about the layout of your space- this diligence should spread even into their later childhood. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to know if your little one has asthma until they are at least 2 to 3 years old but as with any respiratory problem, you’re still going to have to clean out your room to ensure your child’s safety. Here’s what you need to do:

Limit Allergens

These are the triggers that stimulate asthma attacks in children. It can be anything from fur to dust mites and dander. These triggers often find themselves harbouring in pillow cases, mattresses, stuffed toys etc. Try not to surround your little one with too many stuffed toys. Limit it to at least two that you can wash regularly. Carpets are also a big source of dust and allergens so you’ll want to try and keep carpeting out of the bedroom. If this cannot be avoided, then you’ll have to vacuum regularly.

cot bed fitted sheets
Image Source: Unsplash


Picking the right bedding is incredibly important. If you buy more synthetic materials, this will tend to trap more heat and make it uncomfortable for your child to sleep. For your cot bed fitted sheets, it’ll be ideal for you to pick cotton for comfortable sleep. Make sure to wash every week and dry those well, however, if you want to get rid of any mould and toxins that has built up.


Drafts are rarely a problem when it comes to modern houses but airtight houses, on the other hand, are a pretty common problem. These means that the air indoors is far stuffier and for a little one with respiratory problems, this simply won’t do. What you can do is air out your home more often- essentially open those windows but make sure the air quality outside is good too. If you have any smaller children around, you’re going to have to air out your rooms one by one while locking the doors for safety precautions.

Air Purifier

Studies have shown that using air purifiers at night placed at the headboard end of the bed, is capable of reducing symptoms of asthma. When investing, however, make sure you opt for purifiers that are capable of removing more than just the small allergens- they should be capable of removing things like dander as well. On the other hand, there are certain purifiers that are detrimental to an asthmatic’s health like ionic air purifiers so be careful when making your decision.

No Electronics

It’s best that you start up this habit from a small age itself. Electronics tend to emit a white light that tricks the body into believing there is still daylight. This messes with our biological clock. So when handling your little ones, make sure there is absolutely no electronics around the room before bedtime because quality of sleep is important to keeping healthy.

These are the best ways you can go about ensuring the safety of your child. Essentially, you have to maintain the home’s hygiene aspects impeccably.

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