A mini landscaping lesson for Garden

Landscaping has often been compared to painting an image. Undoubtedly, his master of works of art has told him that a good image must have a main point of interest, and the rest of the points will simply make the central idea more beautiful, or to form a perfect environment for it. Therefore, in landscaping there should be in the gardener’s mind an image of what you want to be as a whole when you complete your landscaping project.

Landscaping Idea for Garden

mini landscaping lesson

Should you include a lot of open bare grass in your landscape theme? A lot of green grass open space is always beautiful. It’s quiet

This type of open landscaping adds a sense of space even to small terrains. If you cover your lawn with many trees, with small flower beds here and there, the overall effect is choppy and fussy. A bit like a person too dressed. It is not the most attractive visual result of your landscaping efforts.

When mini landscaping lesson, a single tree or a small group is not a bad arrangement on the lawn. Do not center the tree or trees. Let them fall a little in the background. Make a nice side feature of them. When choosing trees for your landscaping project, consider several things. You should not choose an overwhelming tree. The tree should have a good shape, with something interesting about its bark, leaves, flowers or fruits.

Because of the beauty of the landscape, Catalpa is quite charming in itself. Its leaves are wide, its attractive flowers, seed pods that cling to the tree until winter, add a little picturesque. Bright ash berries, bright sugar maple foliage, tulip flowers, white birch bark and copper beech leaves, these are all beauty points to consider when planning your overall landscape arrangement .

Mini Landscaping lesson can follow very formal lines or informal lines. The first would have straight roads, straight rows in rigid beds, all, as the name says, perfectly formal. The other method is, of course, exactly the opposite. You should consider the advantages and danger points in each.

In conclusion, plan open lawn spaces in your landscaping design in general and maintain a visually attractive tree to blend in the background. Think about the balance and you will get a beautiful landscaping design for your garden.

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