Types Of Experts A Typical Aussie SEO Company Should Have

A proper SEO agency in Sydney should have the right employees to meet clients’ needs. SEO is not just about searching for keywords and stuffing them in your content. There is more to SEO than a keyword search. You should choose an SEO company depending on your needs. Some smaller SEO companies do pretty well because they stick to a few clients and provide their best. However, if your business is big and you have vast SEO needs then you should choose an SEO company that is capable to handle your needs. Remember SEO requires a lot of resources and a small company might not have enough resources to meet the needs of a big company. This means that when evaluating an SEO company, you should also evaluate its staff and ensure the company has the following experts.

Sales staff

We started with the sales professionals since these are the first people you are likely to come in contact with depending on how you learned about the SEO Company. A good SEO company should have professional sales experts. The sales experts should know everything about the services that the company provides including the packages, the timelines before seeing positive results and the strategies that the company uses. They should be courteous, polite and willing to give information. They should also have the necessary documents to link them to the company such as a job ID, branded vehicles or T-shirts and so on.

Customer care experts

These are the second experts you are likely to meet before you even meet an SEO expert. Sometimes, they will be your first contact people if you found the contacts of the company and contacted them immediately. Customer care experts should be polite people and should know every detail about the company they are working for. They should do follow up in case you go silent and ask you as many questions as possible about your needs. They should also be ready and willing to answer your questions no matter how irrelevant they seem to be.

Website and graphic designers

Website and graphic designers play an important role in SEO. It is important to ensure you choose a company with a reputable website and graphic designers. Remember to do a background check for their website and market designers and contact them individually if possible. They should provide you with the previous jobs they have done before and certification.

Content creators

A good SEO company should invest in professional content creators. You don’t want a company that buys cheap content or uses software to spin other people’s content. The content creators should be experienced to write authentic and quality content that is free from spelling and grammatical errors. Content creators should be skilled in keyword search and placement.


A serious SEO agency Sydney should have accountants who are willing to provide you with transparent pricing for the different packages that the company offers. Make sure you go through the quotes you are given to avoid being charged for services not offered.

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