Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When Buying Hotel Furniture

Hospitality furniture is one of the most important aspects that reflect the personality of a hotel or a restaurant. It is therefore important in knowing what to consider and what to avoid when buying furniture for your hotel. It could be just the comfort of the furniture or the visual appeal or the attractiveness of the furniture. Apart from ensuring your furniture syncs well with the theme of your hotel, let us talk about some of the most common mistakes you need to avoid when choosing the right furniture for your hotel.

Avoiding the floor plan

Before you go out to shop for new furniture, the first thing you should consider is to measure the available space in your hotel. Doing this will help you avoid cramming the space with furniture. You need to make a floor plan and use the right scale to evaluate options and ideas to check if they would fit well into the available space. It is important to factor in the practicality and aesthetics to complete the look of your hotel without compromising users’ comfort. If the theme requires you to create table or area separations, you could choose a floor standing frame lite that is ideal for a modern look.

Compromising on space

Another mistake you should avoid is compromising on space. You should consider keeping enough space between the furniture so that your staff members and customers can move around comfortably. Work with your hospitality furniture makers to ensure you utilize your space. There should be enough space for your chairs to be moved back. Provide ample space for your staff to serve quickly and efficiently.

Forgetting the comfort of your customers

The comfort of your customers will vary depending on the type of your hotel. If you have a fast-food restaurant, you need to ensure everything spells speed such as smooth table tops for efficient and easy cleaning. While a fine dining restaurant means clients would stay longer, their chairs should be designed for long term seating.

Ignoring durability

Do not make the mistake of choosing furniture style over durability and practicality. While coordinating your furniture, you should choose those that would be durable with moisture resistance and hassle-free maintenance for the best return on investment.

Ignoring environment-friendly furniture

Choose environment-friendly furniture if you have options. The furniture can be made of recycled plastic and metals, reclaimed wood and vintage. A more casual restaurant theme can be achieved by installing bamboo furniture.

Not inspecting the furniture

Once you buy your furniture, it is important to inspect every piece to ensure all the pieces are up to standards. If you buy hundreds of pieces and fail to inspect, you can end up having some damaged pieces unknowingly.

Not choosing the right supplier

Once you decide on the right hospitality furniture to purchase, it is important to buy it from the right supplier. Make sure you do your research to find a reputable supplier who is known for selling the best furniture and one with the best customer care service.

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