Understanding Why Your Electric Bill Is So Unpredictable

Sometimes reducing your APS electric bill can be hectic if your bill keeps on fluctuating. When you pay your monthly bills, you often know what to expect. The payment of your housing does not change. Your vehicle payment doesn’t change and your insurance payment does not change as well. So, if your electric bill keeps on changing, it can be stressful. You probably feel that your usage is about the same as the previous month and yet you have months that have too high bills and others with moderate bills. If you are wondering why your bill is so unpredictable then here are some reasons to explain the variances.

Variable rates

Your bill could be based on a billing system with variable rates. This means that at different times of the year, the base price of your electricity usage changes. The energy market is volatile so it is common for service providers to offer variable rate plans to account for this. Your rate is likely to change on a monthly basis. Some months your bills go up while others you get lower bills. As a result, your energy bill will keep on fluctuating.

There are some times when the electricity bill rate can change on an hourly basis. If you are on a variable rate plan then you are likely to experience fluctuations in your electric bill. If you are unsure whether or not you are on a variable rate plan, it is crucial you check your latest bill for more information. This way, you will be able to reduce your APS electric bill.

Your usage changes

It is important to think about the times of the year when you use more electricity than normal. In the heat of summer, it is likely that you run your AC more often. In the holiday season, you might have some extra lights plugged in to decorate your home.

Those are just examples of times when you are likely to use more electricity and that is the reason why your electricity bill is likely to be high. You should think about when you purchase a new appliance or when you run a space heater in your home. Before you start panicking about your fluctuating electric bills, you need to take a step back and visualize your usage. The good news is that you have full control over your electricity usage.

Vampire sources

There is one energy waster in your house that might be more dangerous than others and these are the vampire sources. Vampire sources are electronics and appliances that are always plugged in even when you are not using them. They draw small amounts of energy while they are switched off.

Vampire sources might be behind your fluctuating APS electric bill. Vampire sources include computers, television, and some kitchen appliances. Vampire sources might not cause the sudden increase in your bill but they drain small amounts of electricity that can add up over time and amount to something substantial. Make sure you unplug all the electronics when not in use.

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