A beginner’s guide to water quality in aquaculture

From a pH meter for aquaculture Australia to conductivity devices, there are different devices and instruments used to measure the quality of water in aquaculture. Water quality must be maintained to ensure the health of fish and the productivity of the whole project.


Measuring salinity and conductivity

Conductivity is the ability of water to conduct electric current. In aquaculture, this is very important to evaluate the ability of water to inhibit various pH fluctuations such as buffering capacity. Chlorine and sodium irons dominate in seawater and here the instrument is used to measure the salinity of the water.

The probe has two electrodes and is dipped into the water. A small voltage is then applied across the electrodes and an electric current occurs between the electrodes. The size depends on the ion concentration in the water. The established layer on the electrodes affects the current and to prevent it, you should use alternating current.

Conductivity is usually affected by temperature. It is therefore important to compensate for this when taking your measurements. Each instrument must have a special table setting out how temperature affects conductivity. Advanced instruments have automatic temperature compensation.


Measuring pH

There are different methods used to measure pH in aquaculture to prevent it from dripping to critical levels. A simple and inaccurate way is through observation where the colour change of pH paper is recorded. Here, the pH meter for aquacultures a litmus paper. The paper contains a chemical that changes colour depending on the level of ph. Similarly, a small sample of water can be taken and a specially prepared liquid is then added to it. The change in colour is then observed.

It is important to understand that the pH can be measured by standard analysis of chemicals with titration method and observing the change in colour, in which the pH is dependent.

This method may be implemented for daily tests on fish farms and has the benefit of requiring low maintenance. It is also reliable. The disadvantages of this method are, it takes some time and experience working with the equipment and measurements should be done in a lab.

The pH meter

From the above principle, the pH meter is designed. Here the probe is designed with two electrodes. One electrode is used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions and the other is used as a reference electrode. The pH electrode consists of a hydrogen ions permeable membrane. The membrane also creates a cell that houses the electrolyte. Between the two electrodes, a current is passed depending on the concentration of hydrogen ions. The voltage between two electrodes is then measured and the pH is accurately calculated.

The pH meter for aquaculture Australia must be calibrated before use. This is done by placing the probe in different solutions and adjusting the instrument. In contrast to the oxygen probe, the pH probe is compact. This means that it must be replaced if it doesn’t function. A disadvantage of the probe is that it has a limited duration, from three months to one year.

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