What did yoga do for my body?

I had been doing yoga classes near me for about three months and was thinking there was no change to my body. Yoga can be tough but it is generally not the kind of lots of sweat tough. With yoga, you get into a posture and you hold the posture for a while, before flowing into the next posture. I quite like exercise where I know that I am losing weight and so although I loved the yoga I felt that I was not going to see any changes in my body. Until I went shopping for new clothes. I was a whole size down! And when I looked in the mirror I could see the changes in my shape. My arms were more toned, I had the signs of a six-pack instead of a flabby tummy. And my thighs looked strong and my legs looked good. And that was just three months where I did not feel like I was working so hard.

Yoga and a toned body

When you go to a yoga studio you will not only learn about the yoga poses but will learn all about what yoga means, why breathing is important and how good yoga is for the mind. You do not only exercise your body when you do yoga but you exercise your brain. Yoga is about being in the moment, being still, being at one with your mind and being at one with the world. And the benefit is that you get a toned body even if you are not thinking about the toned body. People take up yoga as a way to de-stress and as a way to be mindful. The body that is slim and strong is a benefit and what a lovely benefit it is.

What do you need for yoga

The only things you need for yoga are a pair of comfortable pants and an hour and a half. You do not have to wear gym clothes or leggings; you can wear anything comfortable. It’s nice to have something warm so you can cover up during the meditation at the end, generally done while in corpse pose lying on your back with your eyes shut, and with time you will want to get your own yoga mat. A yoga mat is not expensive and most yoga classes are well-priced, unless you choose to go to a fancy studio.

All that a yoga studio needs is a good space with good air, some yoga mats in the corner, blocks or props if anyone needs them, and a good yoga teacher. A yoga teacher may light some candles and burn some incense, and some yoga teachers use music too which can make the class fantastic.

There are different kinds of yoga and you will find the kind that appeals to you most. Yoga classes near me changed my life and will probably change yours too.

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