Why it is important to deal with your difficult emotions

One of the top benefits of Manly yoga is that yoga can help you control your emotions, no matter how difficult they are. Suppressing difficult emotions has long-term benefits and it is important to know how to suppress them skilfully.Humans have emotions and they play an important role in our daily lives. They also influence how much of how we feel, think and behave. However, they have been misunderstood and undervalued and a lot of people struggle to deal with emotions effectively. Read on as we look at why sweeping our emotions under the carpet is not the best response to handling our difficult emotions and offer different suggestions of what you need to do instead.

The challenges of dealing with difficult emotions

One of the top reasons why we may struggle to deal with our emotions is that some emotions make us uncomfortable. We do not know what to do when the people we love are suffering so we try and make it go away. The best thing to do is to use something like a yoga school where you learn to control and solve your difficult emotions for the long term.

The effects of suppressing emotions

Suppressing our emotions is not a viable way to deal with our emotions in the long term. We can do this for a little while but they will come out in one way or another. For example, you may be having difficulty expressing your frustration or anger towards someone but only to find it coming out at once when they did something as simple as leaving the door open. After having suppressed your sadness for a while, you can find yourself crying at a TV show.Suppressing emotions for a long time can contribute to tension in our body, a feeling of unease and general stress, mental health issues, lowered immune system, stained relationships and difficulty achieving professional and personal goals.

Coping mechanisms

Suppressed or stagnant emotions may cause people to develop coping mechanisms that might damage them in the long run. E.g., through behaviours such as drinking, smoking and overreacting. We end up doing anything that helps us not to feel the way we are feeling in the short term. This has negative consequences in the long term.

Why yoga is the answer

Manly yoga teaches us to feel what we are feeling. The good thing about emotions is that when we allow ourselves to feel our emotions and actively make a commitment to meet our needs and make adjustments that our emotion is asking us to make, we might deal with our emotions for the long term.

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