Common mistakes you need to avoid during a summer camp

When planning a summer physics camp, there are some common mistakes you need to avoid to ensure everything flows well. We will break down everything for you to ensure your summer camp goes on smoothly.

Calling home too much

This is the first mistake you should avoid while at a summer camp. You want to detach your feelings from tech whilst working in the job of your dreams. While you need to update your friends and family on what is going on from time to time, it is also important to set your time aside to socialize with your campmates. You should know how often to call home but it is best to concentrate on your camping activities rather than staying online for the entire day.

Being a recluse

This happens and it can happen to you if you let it. You should therefore take a small step out of your comfort zone and make friends with new people. The best way you can start this is by hanging out with people of the same nationality as you then you move to the next level and make friends with people from different places and cultures.

Not connecting with others

It is a chance wasted when you go camping and fail to talk to people of the opposite sex. You should be careful how you get across your messages and how you socialize with the opposite sex but a science summer campshouldn’t be just about science! There is time for social fun as well!

Not taking enough photos

While you need to keep away your phone and stay away from social media, it is also important to store your memories in the form of photos. It will not hurt to carry your pocket camera so that you can take photos of yourself and your friends. Some of the people you meet at camps will be your friends forever while others will be gone from your life for good. It is best to take some photos with them so that you can remember them afterwards.

Not having some snacks in your cabin or dorm

Camp food can be a hit or miss. It is on the rolling menu each day but having some snacks in your cabin will be helpful when the camp food is not great. This relies on what you are living in.

Not having enough sleep

A summer physics camp has a lot of activities and adventures. You will get tired most of the time and the only way to refresh and rejuvenate is by having enough sleep. Go to bed early so that you can get proper rest.

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