What Are The Steps In Data Management Process?

A company has to manage both papers based as well as electronic-based data properly so that any information needed can be retrieved easily. The data can be corporate data, public data, departmental data, and private data. Corporate data includes data used for establishing corporate policies, data that contains valuable information about the business of the organization.

Public data includes legal documents, technical reference data, document template data, and government regulations. Departmental data includes data that is of interest to a department or a regional office. Private data includes data that is private to an individual, for example, working files that supply data to corporate or departmental databases and downloaded copies of corporate or departmental data.

Some of the data usage characteristics are the performance, capacity, aging and backup requirements, data activity, recently reference information and migration requirements. All these characteristics are necessary to understand the nature of the data and its application. These characteristics help a company to manage its data. Some of the other characteristics of data include response time, concurrency, security, updating, volatility, integrity responsibility, and commonality, frequency of use, size, source, and management overhead.

Data Management

In data management, data is collected, organized, stored and analyzed to provide useful information to the company. Accurate information plays a very important role as it helps the company to make correct decisions, compare past and present data and introduce changes in its working system. Therefore, organizations must develop resources and systems to manage their data effectively. Organizations need to use various software applications to implement data management processes.

Data Management Process

Data is collected and stored in operational OLTP (online transaction processing) systems. After retrieving information from source data, it is moved into a data warehouse with the help of ETL (extract-transform-load) tools. The function of the data warehouse is to store data. Data modeling is used to organize data warehouse.

Reporting and analysis tools make use of organized data to get useful information necessary for the progress of the business. With the help of a data management system, data models, data governance, data security, and data structures can be developed. Different processes and functions are used by data management to make the stored data more meaningful and useful for the business.

The company manages master data that provides information on its finances, processes, and products. Data management consists of four steps, namely, migration, maintenance, quality control, and governance. We will discuss each step one by one.


During the migration process, the concerned person is required to delete duplicate and obsolete data and correct the data if it holds false information. The data migration process should be advanced enough to manage high data volumes and all aspects of migration, provide progress updates and contain built-in backup and recovery. Data is aggregated, converted, transferred and integrated into new information architecture.

Types Of Data Migration

Importing database records, text files, scanned documents, images and spreadsheets to a new system is called data migration. Various methods are used to move data from one system to another system. The method to be used to move data depends upon two factors, that is, the original data and the type of the original data system. There are four types of data migration, namely, database migration, application migration, business process migration, and storage migration.

Database Migration

In database migration, the complete database is moved to new hardware, new database vendor or different operating system. Manual scripts, replication, and ETL (extract-transform-load) are used to transfer data. In ETL, information is transported from one source to another.

Application Migration

In application migration, the application vendor is changed to a customer relationship management or enterprise resource planning goatdee. The function of customer relationship management is managing a company’s interaction with its customers, sales prospects and clients. On the other hand, the function of enterprise resource planning is organizing the company’s finances, tangible assets, materials, and people.

Business Process Migration

A company needs business process migration when it undergoes structural changes due to acquisition or a merger with a new company or expansion of the business. In such cases, the responsibility of performing data migration lies with IT staff. Sometimes, a business needs to reorganize itself due to its expansion to a new market or competition with other businesses. In such cases, the work of database staff involves reorganizing the whole system including changing the way a business works.

Storage Migration

In storage migration, data is transferred from one disk to another to upgrade the storage methods. The old methods are discarded as these are no longer useful for the company. The techniques used in storage migration are virtualization techniques like block virtualization and file virtualization. Block virtualization is used to separate the logical storage from the physical storage while in file virtualization, the interrelation between the physical locations of the files and accessing data arranged into files is eliminated.


Any changes in the business have to be documented and stored in the master data. The information stored in the master data has to be continuously updated by adding, deleting or modifying any information due to changes in the business activities or processes. The changes can be very simple or very complex.

Quality Control

The information stored in master data should be correct, complete and consistent. Any false or incorrect information degrades the quality of the data. The concerned authority must store correct data and delete any incorrect data for carrying the business processes smoothly. Data quality should be continuously monitored by the data managers of a company. The company should design a process to resolve any issue or problem that is noticed during data monitoring, Visit here Pubg pc.


A company should govern its data efficiently and effectively. The company needs to protect its sensitive corporate information. The responsibility of managing and securing data should be given to a responsible and reliable person. Reporting requirements and regulatory disclosures have increased the importance of data governance manifold. The company can also select a leader who will implement data governance policies.

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