Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing and its importance

Learning, problem solving are few human based activities that computers are capable of performing, this is called artificial intelligence. These machines are capable of thinking, responding and performing tasks based on the data entered. Similar to human activities, but activities related to AI are highly complex and technical. It takes care of specialized activities like robotics, image recognition, problem solving, speech recognition, natural language processing and others.

Years ago, marketers were reluctant to adopt AI in their digital marketing strategies. With the improvement in technology, AI has also developed over the years. The application field of AI has made new improvements in research and development department. Detailed algorithms has led to AI aiming to become more mature that can replace human work that takes time. Thus it has now become faster and efficient than before.

Artificial intelligence is used in many fields and by many MNC’s. Digital marketing service in Hyderabad is no new to this. Marketers have started adopting AI to their marketing strategies. Lately we can witness the new brands also adopting to this technology in order to grow. Spotify, Wynk, Gaana, Amazon are few companies that have adopted AI systems.

AI is now a huge part of digital marketing offering a range of services and benefits. With its ability to collect data, analyse and react to it, AI has revolutionized bringing in customization based on the target group. As the audience is increasing in size, AI helps to group those customers based on a common factor and makes valuable recommendations. It has the ability to adapt and react to the changing needs and apply decisions accurately.

AI can create and develop content

A machine cannot write on its own or develop opinions regarding a particular topic but it has the capability to create content that can be used to attract visitors to the website. This saves time and effort on human typing. Earlier information based on reports and news are done and successfully created. Intelligent tools like Quill, Articoolo and Wordsmith are been used by successful companies that help create content by them. Hundreds of articles published by Washington Post are created by AI. Marketers need to fill in the banks and enter the keywords and leave the rest to AI. It builds in content using the important information provided by marketer and gives an impression of human writing.

AI can recognize and analyse data

As customer relationship management is essential for growth of any business, AI helps in doing so successfully. CRM is all about collecting customer information and maximizing it and using the useful information. CRM is well combined with AI and big data centre, the information is maximized as every platform provides valuable data. From this data, information is been sorted and only the behavioural information is retained. This will help determine the marketing strategy for the company. Marketers will use this collected information and analyse the customer needs whereas AI will help in boosting sales.

Based on the customer needs, products will be designed and put forward that will help increase the sales. Understanding the customer needs and offering them the right product makes a good shopping experience.

Email marketing

Powerful bands over the world are relying on digital marketing and digital marketers are using AI technology. AI is been used to develop personalized email marketing campaigns using the customer behaviours and buying needs in mind. It analyses the data of millions of customers and determine the best date and time of the day to publish in order to receive maximum views. It also determines the recommended frequency the content needs to be published and the subjects and titles that would get the visitor attention.

AI uses Boomtrain, Persado and Phrasee to use email marketing. Digital marketing company in Hyderabad rely on these tools to generate emails. Tools like Phrasee has the capability to surpass 95% of subject lines over humans. Persadoo helps create cognitive content that exceeds human content over 100%.

Chat boxes

Another addition to Ai is Chat boxes that make automated responses to buyers or return customers. Using the frequently asked questions and database of customers in mind, Chat boxes keep answers ready. It has an ability to answer open questions as well. Using the natural learning process algorithms of machine learning, it is capable of giving correct response.

Another major advantage of Chat boxes is that it is available 24*7 to serve the clients. As they do not have a possibility to get angry, bot treat them with patience and responds well even if the customer is losing cool. Chat boxes are quick and can cater to many customers. Every customer has different requests, Chaboxes can handle well.

Well-known brands like Sephora, uses Chat boxes that would give beauty and makeup related advice to customers based on their needs. Sephora Visual Artist lets customers try on the products by identifying its facial features. It uses augmented reality and apples selected products to showcase how it would look on the client. Based on the skin tone, it even applies eye shadow and highlight pallets.

AI helps in digital marketing

Digital marketing is no new to the field of Artificial Intelligence. Digital marketing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Google have adopted machine learning in order to make people more prone to this culture. They analyse the customer information and use their demographics and interest and other aspects they detect what kind of product or service will appeal them. Then it detects the best brand and put forward the brand.

For example, if you like kids clothing and have visited any page related to kids, Facebook will capture that data and put across ads related to it. Google AdWords is no new. It has an auction based system in which advertisers pay based on the conversion rate.

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