Challenges Of Outdoor Choir Performance And Possible Solutions

Professional choirs near you that are performed outdoors can be fun to attend. They have a different feel compared to outdoor concerts because they are on temporary stages or a patch of pavement. They may even be flash mob concerts where singers or performers are amongst the crowd. It can be exciting for both the choir and the audience. However, it doesn’t come without challenges. Outdoor concerts come with a lot of challenges and here are some of the top common challenges you can encounter.


Weather is the number one challenge when it comes to outdoor performances. Unless you are fortunate to live in a predictable or warm climate, you will have to deal with the weather challenge. In some areas, it is hard to predict the weather. However, you can use weather forecasts to predict the weather and know how to plan your concert ahead of time.

Sound equipment

Another top challenge of having an outdoor concert is sound. You may be lucky to perform at outdoor events where all the technical things are handled by a crew. In such a case, all you have to worry about is the choir and not the sound. However, there may be other cases where you have to consider providing your own sound system. You should ensure that you visit the venue and assess what you will need. You should also think about the safety of your equipment during the performance of your professional choirs. You need to know where you will run your cables and how you will protect people from tripping over the cables. You should ensure that your insurance policy covers you for what you are doing.

In case of wet weather during your performance, it can be dangerous to set up your electrical equipment without having them properly covered since electricity and water do not mix. You should talk to the organizers of the event in advance about the provision of cover if the weather is bad. Do not be afraid to come up and say you cannot use your equipment if you feel like one of your crew or performers could be put in danger. Doing this can be hard but the safety of the people comes first before anything else.

The outdoor experience

You need to ensure that your singers are prepared for the performance especially if they are not used to performing outdoors. If you have some outdoor space at your rehearsal venue, you should consider using it for rehearsal so that your singers do not face a great surprise when it comes to the actual outdoor performance.

Performance planning

When planning a performance duration for professional choirs near you, it is important to think about the environment your audience and choir will be in. If the event is in summer and you are likely to have fine weather, a long set will be fine for all. If you are performing in winter then it is important to take temperature into account. You might have about an hour of great songs but remember that no matter how good the performance is, no one wants to stand out in the cold.

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