Cold Weather: Tips for Choosing the Right Bedding

Bedding is important in keeping us warm in the coldest time of the year. Heat insulation is key in this. Who doesn’t like warm, comfortable bedding to snuggle into when it’s cold? When we think about a cold night we think of a warm bed. A warm bed comes with good bedding. A quality in the fabric of your bedding can go a long way in keeping you warm when you need it the most. Most experts suggest that natural fabric could be the key to retaining any heat and blocking out the cold at the same time. Let’s take a look at how.

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Regulating body temperature

Natural fabrics such as linen and wool have been proven to assist your body regulate its temperature when necessary. They tend to absorb body heat when it is warm and retain the heat and give you a warmer and more comfortable experience when sleeping. Of course this depends on the grade or quality of linen you go for. Good quality linen would obviously have better heat insulation properties.

Compatible with skin types

Different skin types are not always compatible with all different kinds of synthetic fibre. Natural fabric has been shown to be hypoallergenic which means they are compatible with most if not all skin types. The last thing you want is waking up with a body rash after a supposedly good night’s sleep. A bad choice of bedding can give you unnecessary skin problems, not to mention additional expenses in treatment for the same. Children tend to react worse to incompatible forms of bedding as their skin is more sensitive than most adults. Ask your preferred retailer about the fabric used for linen you want to purchase, as this can lead to health problems if not chosen properly. Going for comfortable bedding might be a good option if you want to check the authenticity of the 100 percent natural fibre bedding claims made by manufacturers. Genuine natural fabric would have no use for chemicals and toxins when being produced and sold out to the market. These would be the feasible solution if you look at the health aspect of bedding. After all it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Saving up and protecting the environment

Take a wool blanket, not only would it be cost-effective in comparison to synthetic counterparts it give you better comfort. Natural fibres are produced in ways which don’t harm the environment. If you like living the green and want that special type of bedding to keep you warm then organic fibres like wool come on top of the list. It’s always a good idea to be environmentally responsible in the things we use every day such as quilt, cushion by choosing what is natural over what is artificial. You keep yourself within the parameters of your budget, treat your skin to compatible materials and pay your due respect to Mother Earth. As a result of this, the market for natural fibre bedding has grown since of late and will continue to do so due to an increase in demand for the same.

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