Top Content Marketing Tools Trending In 2020


Before talking about the top content marketing tools that are trending this year its best you should brush up on what content marketing is first. So, Content marketing is all the material which includes videos, articles, blogs and social media posts that help in piquing the interest of the target audience or people in general. 

With the rise of digital technology the business world has totally shifted its attention from the traditional ways of going on about reaching their goals and objectives to new and modern ways. Whether it be sales, advertising or marketing businesses have started using and prefer to use digital platforms to reach out to their audiences rather than using the traditional methods.

Content marketing is one of the most effective tools for most business organizations to create awareness and persuade their target market for buying their products. Many business organizations and individuals have also been observed to reach out to professional Wikipedia page creators so that they can use the reliability factor of this platform for their business benefits. And strategically using Wikipedia has helped many business organizations and individuals all across the globe.

There have been many content marketing tools which have made their way to the top of marketer’s lists but with time the top trending tools tend to change. The top trending content marketing tools of 2020 are as mentioned and discussed below:

WordPress: One of the best and most widely accepted and used tool for content management in the world is reported to be none other than WordPress. According to VentureBeat it has been observed that almost 30 percent of the total content marketing is powered by WordPress alone. According to these reports it is pretty clear that WordPress is one of the most powerful content marketing tools in recent times. 

Initially WordPress is supposedly an open source content manage system which enables its users to develop and host their own websites. It also allows one to customize websites by providing templates that can help and does help users to make and customize their websites according to what fits their businesses or blogs. WordPress is fairly popular for bloggers.

Google Docs: Google Docs is as important for content marketing as probably water is to fish. This is where most people do and finish all their tasks before it is ready for the final view or upload. There are hardly any people that have not been seen or observed who don’t use google docs and is currently considered to be one of the best platform for content management which is both very user friendly and gives an awesome user experience.

Another amazing aspect from which google docs is probably seen to be one of the very first choices people make when doing content management is the fact that google docs is free. Apparently there are not many reasons why people won’t be willing to use something as amazing as this platform.

Yoast: If you’re talking about creating content for SEO than Yoast is and should be your first choice. It is a very helpful platform, actually a kind of a one-for-all plugin for SEO that is given by WordPress, Which pretty much helps with content keyword optimization, suggestions of relevant links and URL slugs.

It is by far one of the best plugins and all the users using WordPress for content management are reported to have been using Yoast as well. It has a 4.9 stars rating out of 5 and has over nine million downloads. Many users are reported to be very happy and content after using Yoast and is also known to be a platform that is very easy to use. 

Umair Sami is a SEO, and Digital Marketer who knows how to excel in every domain. He is currently working as a marketing expert in the reputable company which is a combination of his academic degree and his passion of Search Engine Optimization. He worked his way through many internships as an SEO in the early stages of his career and now works as a manager in the company.

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