E-commerce and Its Rise in Pakistan

Humans have always bought and sold things, from the beginning of mankind, it is something that the human brain is functioned to do, even in the early days, there is evidence pointing towards trade in the stone ages, people have always been involved in business, and through time the way we buy and sell things have had drastic changes, we went from using stone coins to using gold and silver and then barter trading where people would equally trade things such as wheat for rice, etc, and that brings us to the currency notes and after that, the future seems to be shaping up to be either plastic currency or e currency, evolving is human nature and that’s how societies are formed, development takes place and a new world is formed. We have seen an evolution in everything, the world is a different place how it used to be one century ago. And that is how our way of behaving is also altered, the modern man today doesn’t want to get out of the house and visit a shop just to buy a single thing, and e-commerce is the answer to that, now you can order things right in the comfort of your own house and it shows up right at your doorstep, the e-commerce is the future and we’re heading straight right into it day by day.

Pakistan is a little slow to this conversion towards e-commerce but surely it has made a lot of progress in the past few years, the people of this country still prefer to shop in the conventional ways as people are still a little paranoid of buying things online, they are a little hesitant in this area but e-commerce has really started to take off in Pakistan as well.

Here are some e-commerce stores that are popular in Pakistan:


Daraz was one of the first ones to jump on the e-commerce scene in Pakistan, they were the ones who paved the way for e-commerce to really take off in this country, they had a massive head start being the first e-commerce site and after some hesitation, the people accepted them and today daraz is a household name known by almost anyone who has ever purchased anything online. Daraz has marketed itself remarkably well, with its yearly offers on black Friday and 11:11, which have deals and discounts far beyond imagination and actually makes you think how are they able to provide this item for so much less. Daraz offers pretty much everything from clothes to smartphones and from toys to stationery, they have it all just a few clicks away from your doorstep.


Goto is yet another e-commerce site dominating the scene from the early days when e-commerce was still a new thing in Pakistan, goto also follows the same steps as daraz by heavily marketing itself and providing massive deals and discounts on their products on every occasion or holiday, goto is also a site which sells everything from fashion to kitchen appliances, they have it all waiting for you to order it so they can present it right to your doorstep.


Linenza is a new player in the e-commerce market of Pakistan but linenza is doing something no major e-commerce store is doing, these guys are providing you with branded and luxury items that are very hard to find. Linenza has original items from brands like Cartier, Ralph Lauren, and Versace, linenza has an inventory like no other, unlike other e-commerce stores which source their items from local retailers, linenza only buys the best quality products for their costumers and offers these products at the best price possible, you can buy baby toys online or perfumes from pretty much all the renowned brands only at linenza.

So these were some e-commerce stores that are known all around the country for their products, service, and quality and if you’re ever looking to ever buy anything off the internet these websites are your best bet in Pakistan, these are the most trusted e-commerce sites in the country.

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