Employment agency rules you need to know when working with one

If you have decided to work with an employment agency in Michigan to find a job, you should know the rules involved. To protect the right of employees, there are some requirements placed on businesses and staffing agencies. If your staffing agency does not follow these rules then you can make a complaint to the necessary authorities.

Restrictions on staffing companies

The rules of governing a staffing agency apply if they’re trying to find you a permanent job with a new employer or they are trying to find you a temporary job. There are differences in the rules, depending on whether you want permanent work or a temporary job.

Agency responsibilities

If you are a worker using an employment agency to find temporary work, your employment agency should give you a contract before looking for work for you. It is also important for your agency to be accurate when placing adverts. They should pay you for work done even if the agency has not been paid by the hiring firm.

This should include the start date, who you’ll be working for, the type of work, likely work duration, the location, the hours, the experience, qualifications or training needed for the role, the safety and health risks and steps the hiring company has taken to mitigate such risks, your rate of pay and any expenses payable.

Agency restrictions

If you are an agency worker who is using an agency then your recruitment agencycannot charge you for finding work for you. It cannot change your terms with them without you agreeing to the change. The agency cannot withhold your wages to you because you failed to give them a signed timesheet. They also cannot penalize you for ending an assignment or stop you from taking a permanent job with your hiring company. Your staffing agency cannot stop you from registering with other staffing agencies.

They shouldn’t disclose information about you to third parties or your current employer without your permission. Your staffing agency shouldn’t enter into a contract with a hiring company on your behalf or even sign you up for a contract on behalf of the hirer.

Payment for services

Your employment agency Michigan cannot charge you a fee for finding work for you. However, they can charge you for additional services such as purchasing uniforms and so on. They cannot make you use fee-paying services provided by them or other people connected to them as a requirement for finding a job.

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