Energy Efficiency Tips On Appliances That Use A Lot Of Electricity

If your SRP electric bill is too high then it is important to check some of the appliances that use the most electricity in your household. You should ensure that your appliances are energy efficient to avoid getting high electric bills. One of the easiest ways you can improve the energy efficiency of your appliances is to change how you use them. Some people find it hard because they have to change their habits to reduce energy consumption in their home. Here are some efficiency tips for appliances that are likely to use a lot of power in your home.

Ceiling fans

Ceiling fans do not thermally cool your rooms but they help cool you. Your body cools by evaporation. When sweat on your skin evaporates, you will feel cooler. Your ceiling fans blow air across your skin. This helps your body to cool down but not the room. Let us say that there is a difference between the temperature of the air near the ceiling and the temperature of the air near the floor. Fans might mix and circulate those temperatures but they don’t increase or reduce the actual room temperature.

They cannot physically reduce or add heat. They will just move their air. That is why it is important to turn them off when you are not in the room or when you are leaving your home. You should ensure that you clean the blades of your fans monthly since they collect pet dander, dust, and allergens. This helps the fan spin effectively and more freely hence reducing consumption of electricity and this can help you reduce your SRP electric bill.

The washing machines

We all know that new clothes washers are more energy-efficient compared to those produced a decade ago. You should consider too that your detergents have also improved. Most detergents activate in water above a temperature of 65 degrees F. This applies to the temperature of cold tap water in most places. You should therefore use hot water only for instances when you need to sanitize your fabrics. This can help you reduce the usage of hot water and energy consumption in your home. You should also ensure you clean your washing machine every month. Lint, dirt and soap scum collects in plumbing traps and accumulates on the top edges and sides of the washtub. You need routine cleaning of your washing machine to kill mildew and mould. This will make it more effective to clean your clothes.

The fridge

Fridges are some of the biggest users of electricity in homes. Fridges can use a lot of energy if they aren’t used properly or if they are not well maintained and this can make your SRP electric bill go high. A fridge that is too full will reduce the airflow and facilitate ice buildup. This forces your fridge to run longer to maintain the desired temperature. Your fridge needs air circulation to function efficiently. Do not overload your fridge and always keep it locked.

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