6 Qualities That Are Found In The Most Excellent Choir Directors

If you are asking the ‘which are the best professional choirs near me’ question, then you probably want to join, and will surely need to work with an excellent choir director. There are lots of varying qualities on the list of what the foremost experts consider to be the minimum that is necessary to be capable of doing the ‘choir director’ job excellently. This article lists some of such qualities.


An excellent choir director needs to have real enthusiasm for songs, choral singing, and for music generally. Above this, his enthusiasm has to be inspirational and infectious. The director has to carry the entire choir along with his excitement, enthusiasm, and vision.


All decent choir leaders must feature an excellent sense of humor and they need to sustain an atmosphere of fun during rehearsals and performances. The majority of individuals join a choir because they desire to have an excellent time and enjoy themselves. Great music-making then follows naturally.


An excellent choral director has to be prepared and understand what he’s doing as well as what he intends to achieve. You can never be clear if you do not understand what you actually desire. It helps greatly if a director’s decisions stay consistent and he does not alter them from one rehearsal to the other. Choir members have to understand that he is the one who’s in charge and that he has a particular end result in mind. They do not want vagueness and waffles. This is particularly crucial for professional choirs.


An excellent choir leader will be quite clear with his directions and instructions. Choir members have to understand what is happening at every stage of rehearsals and performances without ambiguity and confusion. They have to understand that they are in safe, excellent hands, that the director understands precisely what he wants and is very clear in passing the information on to them.


An excellent choral director does not necessarily need to have studied music, understand music theory to be capable of reading written music, or play an instrument. But, he has to possess an intuitive, truly deep understanding of how harmony and music work, as well as how they interrelate.


This is probably the most crucial of all qualities, particularly with non-professional or community choirs. Learning songs and having performances perfected takes real-time. It is not everybody that learns at a similar rate. It is not everybody that understands similarly. Some individuals could still be learning how to sing in tune, while others are already able to improvise harmonies. An excellent choral leader needs to have an excellent deal of patience to be capable of making allowances for all of these varying needs. This is where an excellent sense of humor becomes valuable.

In conclusion, if you are asking the ‘which are the best professional choirs near me’ question, you are probably looking to join one and would have to work with a director. This article has listed the foremost qualities that are found in all of the foremost choir directors. So, they should help you in making an informed decision about which director to join.

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