How To Know If Your SEO Company Is Hurting You

Your SEO agency in Sydney New South Wales (NSW) could be hurting you instead of helping you. A lot of small businesses in Australia have placed a lot of trust in their SEO company, only to have their websites all but destroyed within a few months due to black hat techniques. I have seen struggling online businesses spend a lot of money trying to improve their search engine ranking. I do not want that to happen to your business. I do not want you to waste your time and money or ruin your website. I have organised some points that will help you gauge the usefulness of your SEO company and decide on whether to continue working with them or not.

They have nothing to show

When you hire an SEO company, they should have something to show you after some time. I am not talking about a rise in rankings or results. Instead, the company should show you the actual search engine optimisation practices they are doing. After a few months into the contract, you do not expect much when it comes to improvement. Do not sweat it if you are not seeing results. However, your company should be doing something positive with the money that you give them. You are the boss and you have the right to ask for information and deliverables. Such as SEO audit of your website, an analysis of the link profile of your site, optimised content of your website, articles that link back to your site or have been published on other websites and so on.

They do not ask you for anything

Your SEO company should ask you a lot of things about your business for them to be able to provide quality SEO services. An SEO company that is doing good things is going to need your help to deliver the best results. You are the owner of the site and they should ask you for admin access, access to google analytics, access to webmaster tools, access to your social media accounts, past penalties, audits and a list of target keywords. If they do not ask for anything regarding your site, it could be that they are just adding link backs from their network of spammy sites. If they don’t need access to your site and social media accounts, they are likely to be doing something harmful to your site.

They offer no improvement suggestions

If an SEO company is not asking you to do certain things, it is a sign that they are doing something suspicious. Bad companies point a bunch of links to your website and show you massive increases in spammy traffic. The best SEO companies will view their relationship with their client. You will have to work with them in order to be successful.

They cannot share their techniques

You need to ask your SEO agency in Sydney NSW to explain how they are working to improve the ranking of your website. If they refuse to share their techniques then they are likely to be doing something wrong.

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