How To Know The Right Type Of Bariatric Surgery For You

Bariatric surgery Orange County in California (CA)may be the best solution to your weight loss problem if you have tried every exercise and diet in vain. If you are among the population considered to be obese, you should consider bariatric surgery. There are two most common procedures for weight loss namely sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. For average patients with severe obesity, both surgeries are good options. However, some considerations have to be made to know which one is the best option among the two.

Bariatric surgery options

If your body BMI is 40 or higher, you have uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver, high cholesterol or sleep apnea, are between 35 and 5 then you are eligible for bariatric surgery. However, finding the right procedure requires you to discuss it with your weight loss surgeon. Your weight loss surgeon will consider your medical history, your expectations, medical conditions and more to know which type of surgery is the best for you.

Nowadays, doctors do almost all bariatric surgical procedures using minimally invasive techniques. This means smaller incisions and faster recoveries. A lot of patients go home on the same day after surgery but the recovery may take up to three weeks depending on your health, diet and lifestyle.

Gastric bypass surgery

Roux-en-Y surgery is an operation that makes your stomach smaller. Your stomach is shrunk along with the amount of fat and calories your body absorbs. Your bariatric surgeon will disconnect the stomach on the top part and create a small pouch there. He will then bring a small intestine loop up and connect it to the pouch he created, rerouting the GI tract. When the patient eats food, the food enters the small intestines directly. This means that up to 95% of the stomach is bypassed.


This type of surgery is more powerful compared to sleeve gastrectomy. With gastric bypass surgery, the patient loses up to 20 pounds with it. The surgery also leads to favorable hormonal changes and patients with diabetes feel better after gastric bypass surgery.

Who is eligible?

People with severe reflux disease are eligible for gastric bypass surgery along with people with high BMIs and people with diabetes.

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery

This type of bariatric surgery is also known as gastric sleeve surgery and it involves operating the stomach alone. Your surgeon will remove up to 80% of the stomach and leave a smaller sleeve.


Gastric sleeve surgery has several benefits. It is a bit safer compared to gastric bypass. Complication risk as only 3% vs 5% after gastric bypass surgery.

Who is good for gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is best for people who have multiple abdominal surgeries, high-risk patients, people who weigh more than 450 pounds and people on multiple medications for psychiatric illness treatment.

Duodenal switch

This type of bariatric surgery Orange County CA is when part of the stomach is removed followed by an extensive version of gastric bypass surgery.

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