How to prevent and protect your car rims from curb rash

The last thing you want is to have to start looking for the best mag wheel repair in Sydney. The protruding edge of your wheel is vulnerable to damage when making tight turns or parking your car. Damage can happen when you accidentally hit a curb when making tight turns, attempting to avoid collisions by swerving out of the road and when parallel parking your car. If you want to avoid damaging your wheel, here are some tips to ensure your rims are in good condition.

Be careful when parallel parking

When you attempt parallel parking and hit a curb, it could cost you a lot of money on repairs. A lot of people who are not used to this kind of parking will hit the cub when they back into space. If you have not mastered the art of this type of parking, you should practice in an empty parking lot that has a wide open space until you perfect the art.

Winterize your wheels if you live in alpine regions

Slippery snow-covered roads can cause your vehicle to slide into a curb. Tires with a better grip can easily prevent that slide. Another factor that contributes to rim damage in winter is road salt. When salt mixes with snow and ice in winter, it becomes salt water and eats away at your rims. If you have chrome-plated wheels, they will be at risk. It is therefore important to wash your vehicle frequently to avoid damage and expensive mag wheel repair in winter.

Install rim protectors

You can keep the rims of your vehicle protected from curb rash by installing wheel rim protectors. Protectors are a great product when it comes to keeping your rims safe. These products can be an easy DIY project and take a lot of time to install. They come in different colours to match the look of your car and can appear as a superficial accessory instead of a protective measure.

Rim protectors can also be detached from the car whenever the car owner doesn’t want them or when cleaning the car or the wheel. Car owners can also reattach them when they wish to use them.

Fixing curb rash on wheels

If your wheels experience curb rash damage, there are some steps you can take to fix them. However, the repair steps depend on the materials of the rim. For example, your alloy wheels may have a protective coating. If you are unsure whether it has a protective coating or not, you should test the damaged area using a piece of sandpaper. If the dust is white instead of grey then it shows that there is a clear coat that should be removed before fixing the rim.

For the best mag wheel repair in Sydney, you will need to remove the clear coat and refine the surface by thoroughly but gently sanding the damaged rim. Wend sand it and wipe it and then dry it before you can apply your aluminium polish. It is important to know that different materials require different strategies and you can save money by fixing them yourself.

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