Listening To A Choir Might Just Make You Want To Join!

If there’s a community choir nearby, a choir performance in South California perhaps, we urge you to listen to them. Choirs are beautiful. They are restful, soulful and spiritual. They offer musicality and beauty, they are soothing and they are therapeutic. And not just that! Listening to a beautiful choir may just make you want to sing. To sing in the bathtub, to sing in the shower, to sing while you cook and to sing from the top of a mountain!

Here is what listening to, or joining a choir, can do for you:-

Listening to choir concerts really helps you to hear the music, to hear each beautiful note and tone, and to appreciate the music. Whether you listen, or sing, you benefit from the sounds. Your ear improves. You learn and you grow with the music. You start to love the harmonies, and to recognize them. And if you are singing, well, you learn to harmonize too.

People who sing publicly grow in confidence. They are performing, but singing is different to drama. It brings out an inner confidence. Choir members have a sense of community and a sense of belonging. And listening to a choir can give the same feeling. You may not be part of it, but you are part of the beauty!

If you are unsure where to listen to a choir performance, try the radio! You can also try a music app and just search for choir music. If you are lucky enough to have a choir nearby, go to one of their concerts. You will feel absolutely marvelous afterwards, we can assure you of that. And at the same time, practice your own choral singing!

And if you are in California, then look for a choir performance South California, as these really are the best choirs. Enjoy!

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