How To Prepare Appropriately For Your First Kickboxing Class

Once you join kickboxing classes in Sydney New South Wales (NSW), it is important to do whatever it takes to get the most out of your classes. You need to know what you should bring to your first class and how you should behave during the lessons.

A lot of water

You will need a lot of water to hydrate your body since kickboxing classes engage both your mind and body. You will be outputting a lot of energy during your practice. Drinking water between rounds will keep you going during your workout and will help your recovery after the workout.

Channel inner Jane Fonda

You should bring a sweatband, small towel, wristband and more to keep the dripping sweat under control. You will be exerting a lot of energy during your workout and trying to wipe your sweaty face with boxing gloves will be hectic. Moisture absorption should therefore be a priority.

Quality hand wraps

Nothing will make you feel professional than wrapping your hands. Hand wraps are not just for the looks as some people think. When punching repeatedly, hand wraps offer protection and support. They are also easy to find. You can find them at the sporting equipment store, any big box store or a zillion places on the internet. They come in a variety of designs and cute colours. A lot of gyms have some communal wraps you can borrow. However, remember wraps can get smelly and sweaty so it is best to buy your own for your kickboxing classes.


You should remember why you are using hand wraps for your classes. You should apply the same reasoning and logic to your gloves. Gyms have gloves you can use for your first classes but once you have attended a few classes, you should invest in your own pair of gloves.

Hair ties

It is important to understand that kickboxing isn’t a sport where you can do with your hair in your face. You should keep an eye on your target without hair obscuring your view. Unless you are extremely talented, there is no easy way you can pull your hair up while wearing your gloves. You should tie your hair back before you wear your gloves.

Keep it tight

You should avoid wearing tight clothing to your classes. It is recommended to maximise your freedom of movement and reduce the chance of being stuck in your clothes.

The right attitude

You should get into your first class with confidence. You need to leave your insecurities outside the gym. Do not let yourself get caught up in self-doubt or nerves. Feel strong and act strong. You should also think strong. When you walk into a kickboxing class, you should be ready to work, learn and challenge yourself. With the right attitude, you won’t fail.

Go with our own pace

When you attend your first kickboxing classes in Sydney NSW, it is important to go at your own pace. Avoid emulating others and trying to push yourself too hard to the same level as professionals in your gym.

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