Probiotics and antibiotics go together.

If you do not know about probiotics and antibiotics we will tell you that probiotics are living microorganisms that provide good bacteria. They balance out the bad bacteria that are in our digestive system, and they balance out the digestive system when antibiotics are being taken. Antibiotics do not only remove bad bacteria but they can remove good bacteria too, which is why a person needs to supplement with probiotics when taking antibiotics. Antibiotics can also play havoc with gut health and probiotics balance the gut. When a person takes probiotics, and they can be taken daily, not only when antibiotics are prescribed, the gut in general is going to be more well balanced.

General benefits of probiotics

There are many general benefits of probiotics for health, in particular for your digestive system. Probiotics balance the gut, we have already established that much, and a balanced gut is responsible for a balanced body and mind. If the gut is balanced, the organs can work so much better and the overall body is so much healthier. Probiotics boost the immune system. They help with constipation and regular bowel movements.  They can help with obesity and weight loss. We can help with mood and mood swings.   And probiotics are safe for almost everyone.

Probiotics and safety

Think of the word antibiotic and how anti means – against. Antibiotics are filled with the medicine needed to fight the bad organisms, to remove them, to get rid of bad bacteria. But probiotics are pro, they add, they aid, they help, they improve. While you must have a prescription for antibiotics you do not need a prescription for probiotics.

Probiotics are a supplement and they are natural. They can only be good for a person. Of course, like anything, you should always read the pamphlet that comes with the bottle, or the instructions on the box. There are different probiotics for children and adults, and babies generally will only be given probiotics if a doctor suggests it. Many infant formulas are strengthened with probiotics naturally. Always check though, especially if you feel unsure.

Probiotics are a supplement

Probiotics are not a cure for something but they are a supplement. Many people take them daily. If you have a bad stomach for more than a day or two, see a doctor. If you are feeling run down for a few days and cannot shake it, see a doctor. Always take your health seriously and know that while supplements can help and can improve many conditions, more or stronger action might be necessary. You can also chat to a pharmacist, nurse, health specialist or supplement specialist. You should take probiotics and antibiotics together.

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