Surprising Causes Of Bad Breath And How To Combat Them

Nursing home dental services can be very important in combating bad breath among the residents in the Nursing home. Bad breath can be very embarrassing and most people don’t know how to stop it. Here are some surprising causes of bad breath and how to combat them.

Bacteria on your tongue

The back of the tongue has a lot of crevices and grooves. This makes it the perfect dwelling place for bacterial to grow and produce VSCs. While there is no harm using tongue scrapers to remove the dirt that accumulates on your tongue, there is no proof that this gadget can make a substantial difference. There is a small effect but it does not last long.

The fact is that bad-breath bacteria accumulates at the back of the tongue and a scraper cannot reach that far without triggering you to gag. Your toothbrush cannot reach that far, as well. Mobile dental services can recommend safe to swallow substances that move down your throat fighting the bad-breath bacteria. The substance will also neutralize the VSCs.

Plaque on your teeth

Another cause of bad breath is plaque. This is a bacterial film that forms on your gums and teeth and can produce lousy smelling VSCs. You need to see your dentist regularly for a professional cleaning to keep plaque at bay. A good at-home oral care routine is essential since plaque starts building up as soon as you eat.

Garlic and onions

Onions and garlic contain high concentrations of sulfur compounds that stink. When you crush garlic and onions, you create allicin. This is a substance responsible for the strong aroma of garlic. While nursing home dental services will help professionally clean your mouth to get rid of the bad smell caused by onions and garlic, you must brush and floss thoroughly after eating garlic and onions.

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