Surprising reasons you should take daily probiotics

Why take a probiotic dose daily? There are a lot of reasons why you should consider taking probiotics daily. You might have heard of the microbiome. This is the community of trillions of microorganisms living inside our bodies. Microbes are fundamental to our life and they outnumber human cells by ten to one.

The human microbiome is full of different types of microbes, both bad and good. When the microbiome is balanced, the good ones work hard to keep us healthy and vibrant. However, when a lot of bad bacteria are in your body, the good bacteria will lose their footing and will not be able to do their jobs efficiently.

The good news is that you can swing the balance of the microbes in your microbiome in favour of the good bacteria by eating probiotics. Probiotics work to replenish the good bacteria in the body and provide a lot of benefits.

Here are some reasons why you should take probiotic supplements.

Encourage a balanced microbiome

The modern diet is filled with additives and sugar and exposure to antibiotics in both food and medicine. This means that your lifestyle can easily wreak havoc on the delicate balance of bacteria in your body. Stress, aging, medications and environmental toxins can also have bad effects on your healthy balance of microflora.

When good bacteria are overwhelmed by the bad bacteria in your body, your microbiome can shift and create problems. Luckily, you can enjoy the benefits of probiotics by consuming probiotic supplements to replenish the levels of healthy bacteria in your body and encourage the maintenance of healthy conditions.

Supports immunity

The majority of your immune system is located in the gut. Since most of your immune cells are in your intestinal tract, a balanced and healthy immune response is dependent on strong communities of good bacteria existing in the gut. A high-quality supplement works to overcome bad bacteria and support your health foundations.

Supports nutrient absorption

Your body will not be able to benefit from the superfoods you eat if your gut environment is not teeming with healthy bacteria. Digestive bacteria and enzymes help to break down the foods you eat into molecules that get into your bloodstream to effectively nourish your body. Unbalanced or inadequate microbial populations in your gut can derail the process and even lead to the malabsorption of important nutrients. Taking probiotics daily can help your body absorb the goodness of your food and supplements to ensure you are getting the most out of your hard efforts to stay healthy.

Maintains your mood

Your emotional and mental balance hinges on a healthy gut environment. Good bacteria in the gut support the effective production of nervous system chemicals that are responsible for regulating your mood.

Supports healthy weight management

Research shows that having a healthy balance of microflora in the gut supports your metabolism. It can even encourage healthy management of weight. So, why take a probiotic dose? Women who take probiotics over 6 months lose more weight and are better able to maintain a healthy weight than those that take a placebo.


The question should be, why NOT take a probiotic?

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