These Screening Tests Are Very Important For Some Of The Common Diseases

Taking care of your health is very important. In today’s world, getting a disease has become very common and to eradicate them before they take their full mode on has also become easy. It’s just we need to take extra care of ourselves in order to be safe forever. In medical science, we have been progressing into a much successful era where disease is known earlier before they starts to attack your entire body and immunity. What could be the best way to get rid of it when you already know what’s going on with your body.

Basic health screening tests has become a significant health factor in our life. That’s the only thing you can be sure of the fact that you are healthy from inside. Health screening has the power to detect any unwanted growth in your body. Early detection can help eliminate the stubborn diseases. A lot of diseases can sit inside your body without any warning signs or symptoms. You will never be noted about it until you have the disease grown in such a way that you will need to minimize it through medication. If you spend less time at the doctor’s clinic or you ignore your basic health checkup on a periodic basis, you may lead to create complications with your health.

There are many tests and these tests depends on your age, family history and lifestyle routine. Health screening doesn’t mean it can detect your hidden disease. It can only help in giving you signals which assist for further tests that will help in diagnosing the actual cause of the problem. Your only goal should be to get detected as early as possible. Often times, when diseases are diagnosed earlier, it can help in eradicating the disease with some minor treatments.

Why screening test is so valuable?

As said above, what could be the best practice if your potential threat is known way earlier than the actual problem! Health screening is a liable test which helps in identifying the lurking disease when you are not even sure enough of the symptoms. There might be times when the screening tests doesn’t seem to be appropriate. Hence it’s very important to get it done when you have the best time which can be told by your healthcare provider. Avoiding these vital health screening can actually harm your life to an exponential level. You must not avoid them just because they can not be appropriate sometimes. Screening are very helpful in detecting the potential problems inside your body.

Common screening tests you need

Although there are a lot of important screening tests that needs to be done but in this article we will discuss about some of the most common ones. These common screenings are very valuable and highly effective in giving you some hints on how you should be taking your health in general.

Talk to the healthcare provider about the timing and the frequency at which the screening must be done as per your medical information, gender and health condition.

Cholesterol Test

Before going into why we need cholesterol test done, let’s have a brief intro on what cholesterol does in our body and what are its functions. The waxy substance that is found in the body contains cholesterol. These substances helps in producing cell membranes and vitamin D. they are also helpful for some hormones. You get the cholesterol from 2 sources- one is the food that you eat and the other is the amount of production your liver is engaging into. Your liver itself produces the amount that your body needs, the extra cholesterol that comes from the food gets transported into the bloodstream. These are then formed into a spherical particles which is known as lipoproteins.

There are two types of lipoproteins found in our body- one is LDL (low density lipoproteins) and the other one is HDL (high density lipoprotein). They are also known as bad cholesterol and good cholesterol respectively.

The more Cholesterol your body creates, the more risk you create for your heart. When it comes to heart diseases, Cholesterol will be always there to disrupt the normal function of your heart. Your doctor will recommend you for a blood screening test when you have diabetes, high blood pressure or you are a regular tobacco consumer. These are all the potential causes for heart disease.

Cholesterol levels are measured through blood tests. Before the test, you are not supposed to eat at least for 9 to 12 hours. The cholesterol test measures the total cholesterol level, HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides. Based on the report of your health, your doctor will further instruct you on how to balance your diet or may prescribe you medication if the levels are abnormally high. The medications will lower the cholesterol.  Health Assessments can help to check the overall condition of your health.

Fecal Occult Blood Test

If you have blood in your stool, it is indicative of some cancerous growth in your colon which must be removed before it becomes a fully grown tumour cell. The test is done under a microscope or by using some chemical to find any hemoglobin traces from your stool. colorectal cancer can be eradicated with this health assessment test. For the test you need to submit 3 samples of your stool and it will be then proceeded under microscope to detect the presence of the blood. This point must be noted that the blood in your stool doesn’t always mean that you are the victim of colorectal cancer. Often times the blood is found because of certain types of medications or gastrointestinal infection. Whatever the reason is, it is recommended to get tested at the age of 50.

Pap Smear Test

Pap smear screening helps in identifying the lurking cervical cancer in the body. It has helped a lot of women know about their health condition and cope up within a short time. Pap smear test can help women in knowing their disease beforehand, like way before they actually starts to see any changes in their body or kind of symptoms. Pap smear test should be done on a yearly basis. If you have had the test a couple years ago, you need to do a test now as soon as possible. Early detection of these cancers can save the life. Abnormal pap smear result doesn’t mean that you have cancer. A pap smear test isn’t just enough to catch the disease. You are supposed to go through some more tests to confirm the disease. The result may show some sort of certain changes in the cells in your cervix that are abnormal. If the pap smear result is abnormal, it indicates an infection with the human papilloma virus, or HPV. An abnormal test result means you will have to go with further more tests. a HPV/Pap co-test to test for HPV might need to perform. Colposcopy is also the test that needs to perform while you are detected with the abnormal pap smear test. The sample from the vulva, vagina and cervix are taken in this procedure.

Osteoporosis and Fractured Bones

Osteoporosis is that stage in a human’s life when an individual’s bones are feeble and delicate. After menopause, women tend to lose bone mass. But this doesn’t mean that men are far away from the disease. Men can also get osteoporosis as well. The major symptom is heavy pain even after you have got some minor fall, blow, or abrupt turn. In Americans over the age of 50, this disease has affected about a large portion  in women and 1 out of 4 among men. Luckily, you can avoid and treat osteoporosis. Screening will help in knowing the condition of your bones so that you can take necessary measures in keeping your health safe.

As you can see how these Health Screening Clinic UK helps in identifying the lurking signs in your body that contains the possibility of developing into a full grown disease. Consult with your healthcare provider regarding the tests you need to do as per your medical history and age and also your present health condition.

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