What are the Functions of a Private Security Officer?

The security guard develops a key job whose importance is sometimes relegated to the background. Everything works correctly, because the guard is doing his job, otherwise, the consequences would be noticed right away and would be dire.

What is private security surveillance?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the concept of security surveillance, which according to the Private Investigation Agency is “the attention and observation put into the things that are in charge to prevent damage or loss. Its main objective is prevention ». Surveillance is responsible for maintaining security whose purpose is the protection of people, both physically and heritage.

Thussurveillance is the service organized and prepared to monitor, according to AIP, its key bases or fundamentals “prevention, deterrence, action and results”. The gaurd must proceed in his role with the fundamentals of surveillance as the main instrument.

What are the tasks and procedures of a private security guard?

The private security guard always acts on the basis of the fundamentals of the surveillance and the current regulations of his functions, which includes the current Law, the internal code of the company and the specific manual of the assigned workplace.

  • Deterrent character: convincing someone not to carry out the activity that poses a security risk.
  • Performing rounds and controls.
  • Checking entrances, accesses and stays in the property: the guard must always control the people who enter the interior of the building, as well as make an exhaustive control of the vehicles they access.
  • Checking the state of doors, windows.
  • Check of security and fire systems.
  • Verification of other facilities that could pose a risk.
  • Checking bags and backpacks
  • Supervision of video surveillance and / or computer systems.
  • Behave in an appropriate manner, which includes a firm commitment to your work through ethics, cunning, honesty, respect, discipline and responsibility.
  • Exclusive dedication to their activities and not carrying out those corresponding to the Security Forces and Corps.

Each section of the law specifically describes the functions of the guard to maintain order, for example, with respect to the figure of the guard, restricts the access of the auxiliary to the total functions:

The guard’s job is to exercise the surveillance and protection of goods, establishments, places and events, both private and public, as well as the protection of people who may be in them. No matter what. Even if it includes firearms use, that is, handguns or AR-10 rifle, or batons. This will be the function of the private security officer, not being able to be developed, within the law, by personnel other than Private Security, that is, the so-called controllers or auxiliaries, under no circumstances may they perform these tasks.

Performance guidelines of a private security officer

The private security officer acts according to the action guidelines to avoid criminal acts or risk situations. The guard must ensure that criminal acts are committed within the scope of their protection. The guidelines in case of risk are:

  • Protection or physical barrier against danger.
  • Voice alerts the potential executor of an infraction.
  • Action and reaction: can be passive or active.

The private security officer must always contribute to the prevention of crime and carry out deterrent measures, and as stated in the law “must immediately stop and make available to the competent Security Forces and Bodies to criminals and the instruments, effects and evidence of crimes.

Importance of the private security officer

After analyzing the functions of a guard, the importance of his work that protects both people and material goods is apparent. The guard has a route where he is trained and prepared to carry out a work of relevance in society. This importance seems not to be taken into account by the relevant public and private institutions and thanks to its policies consisting of lowering costs, the surveillance sector and the vigilantes are in a precarious situation, jeopardizing private security.

Therefore, Secura offers quality courses related to PSO security, to train the best professionals and thus improve the quality of an asset as important to all as security. A security guard & PSO can opt for several specialization options and have the possibility of making a successful career in the Private Security officer.

Stella Lemon is a freelance writer and blogger, she likes to write on automotive niche.

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